On Steindl

Beiträge zur Diskussion und Kritik der neoklassischen Ökonomie

Festschrift für Kurt W. Rothschild und Josef Steindl

LaskiE. MatznerE. Nowotny (Herausgeber), Springer Berlin, 2011. Link


Stagnation durch Multis

Der Wiener Nationalökonom Josef Steindl wurde anlässlich seines 75. Geburtstags
durch ein Symposion in Triest geehrt

 Alois Guger, Wiener Zeitung, Freitag, 9.Oktober 1987


Profit-Rate Equalization in the Kalecki-Steindl Model and the “Over-Determination” Problem

Dutt, Amitava K., The Manchester School of Economics & Social Studies 1997 65(4), p. 443-51. Link


Rethinking Capitalist Development: Essays on the Economics of Josef Steindl

Tracy Mott and Nina Shapiro (Eds.), Routledge, Abingdon, 2005. Link


Josef Steindl and the Instability of Capitalism

E. King, Review of Political Economy, Vol. 20(3), 2008, P. 333-340. Link


Keynes, Steindl, and the Critique of Austerity Economics

Nina Shapiro, Monthly Review, Vol. 64(3) (July-August), 2012. Link


Wirtschaftsforschung mit internationaler Reputation: Josef Steindl 1912-1993

 Alois Guger, WIFO-Monatsberichte, Vol. 85(6), 2012, S.481-484. Link


Zwei österreichische Ökonomen: Kurt Rothschild und Josef Steindl

 Ewald Walterskirchen, Falter. Ökonomie, Nr. 34a/14, 2463, 2014. Link


“The political economy of Josef Steindl”

Tibor Scitovsky

Review of Political Economy, 6.4, 1994, p. 464-471. Link


„Zur Aktualität der Politischen Ökonomie von Josef Steindl“

Alois Guger, Markus Marterbauer, Ewald Walterskirchen

Kurswechsel, 2006(4), p. 18-26. Link


Special issue of PSL Quarterly Review

dedicated to Josef Steindl’s in the centenary year of his birth 2012


ALESSANDRO RONCAGLIA, Josef Steindl, the Trieste School and the BNL, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65 n. 261 (2012), 113-116. Link

KURT W. ROTHSCHILD, Roots – Reflections on Josef Steindl’s First Article, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65 n. 261 (2012), 117-133. Link

ALOIS GUGER and EWALD WALTERSKIRCHEN, Josef Steindl’s Life and Work in Austria, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65 n. 261 (2012), 135-149. Link

MARCELLA CORSI, Steindl on Stochastic Processes, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65 n. 261 (2012), 151-166. Link

NINA SHAPIRO, Josef Steindl: An Economist of His Times, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65 n. 261 (2012), 167-187. Link

JOSEF STEINDL, Effective Demand in the Short and in the Long Run, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65 n. 261 (2012), 189-197. Link

JOSEF STEINDL, Reflections on the Present State of Economics, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65 n. 261 (2012), 199-212. Link